Friday, October 25, 2013

Tick Tock

Let the countdown begin... Only three more days until the Big Nyke Extravaganza! Trust me, I may sound a little more over-joyed than the fun that his birthday party will actually bring. But it's just so hard not to! With the days, hours, minutes and seconds just tick-tocking away, I can't help but feel soooo overwhelmed about how much I still have to get done. Not to mention a huge Biochemistry test I have to find time to study for on Monday morning, create a drop-dead-gorgeous wardrobe for Nyke's one year pictures tomorrow morning, AND work 2 dinner shifts this weekend! Ooofda (as my fellow North Dakotans like to say)!! Having the lack of time to successfully complete all these activities is definitely an understatement. I'm hoping this weekend pans out to be a GREAT one, despite the time crunch i'm under. Meanwhile, I also have to keep track of this little bugger. Who's latest accomplishment is becoming a Houdini escape artist. Gotta love em'

But back to the party planning. Again, my excitement for this occasion is beyond that of a little kid going to Disneyworld for the first time. A little much? Maybe. But I don't care. A one year celebration will only happen ONE (no pun intended) time in my little munchkin's entire life. What a sap I am sometimes. Yikes! As far as planning goes, or has gone, i've been hitting some speed bumps during the whole process. I'm trying to make it fun, but not cheesy, entertaining, but not silly; basically a little less-than perfect is what i'm going for (since nothing can be perfect, ever, right?). Growing up, my Mama always went above and beyond to DIY a creative, one-of-a-kind party. She was never one to go to Party City and load up on the movie/cartoon/princess themed birthday decorations. Of course not, that's just not the Loomis way. DIYers fo' life yo. Now that i'm a Mama (and a Loomis) it was pretty much inevitable that I come up with a banger birthday idea. 'Some assembly required' included obvie. So that's where I sit today, and clearly using this as a procrastination motivation to get stuff done!

In the light of getting shiz done, it's always an even better Friday when you get to back that azz up. So, like errr Friday, we're joining along in the fun that is Whitney in yoga pants land! I thought this song would be quite appropriate for the motivation I clearly need. Get 'er done.

Cheers again to the freakin' weekend and Happy Friday :-) 

I guess at least I have a little minion to aid in the cleaning that also needs to take place before his party on Sunday. I'm so Blessed.


  1. Aww! Happy birthday to your little one! First birthday parties are always fun and memorable! :)

    1. Thanks so much! I'm hoping the cake smash is as fun as it looks for 1 year olds :-)
