Saturday, March 15, 2014

Pro-Con Friday

Another week come and gone. But what a seriously busy, but fun, week it has been! Trying out some pros and cons again to add a little humor into the festivities that were had :-)

Pro: Nyke was baptized last Sunday!
Con: Considering they reserved our section at the very front of the Church, I was a nervous wreck for a good part of the service hoping (and praying) that everything would go smoothly. All I could imagine was little Bubbarroo running up to the Holy Water bowl and pushing it over or thinking it was a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow to play in. Thankfully, none of my worst thought fears occurred. He was literally an angel. And a mighty cute one at that.

Since white shoes are impossible to find in a size 6, we went with some classy white socks. He totally rocked them.
Pro: Gym mirrors. Especially when trying to let your pupils wander onto some major eye candy, or should I say muscle-mania candy.
Con: Gym mirrors. Because not everyone is so pleasant to lay eyes on (aka me, myself and I) Oh and there are also those awkward moments when you make eye contact with the hunk you've been gawking peeking at by the squat rack. You literally have to leave the gym of embarrassment at that point. Nothing like a good excuse to cut a workout short, am I right? HA!

Pro: Going to get lunch with a very much loved girlfriend.
Con: Walking into to said lunch restaurant and not realizing one's phone dropped onto the street. Speed forward to ten minutes later when I realize that, gee where could my phone be I just had it. Only to run out and search my car and see a shimmer of silver glitter, that is my phone case, face down on the street. Oh and the case was no longer cradling my also face down phone on the street. Phone case major fail. How much luck do I have considering A. some car could have EASILY ran over it for the ten minutes it sat there catching a cold outside and B. we were downtown and any less fortunate soul biking/walking the street could have hit the pawn shop jack pot finding this puppy on the ground! I guess the leprechauns were around early and watching out for me.
Pro: Walmart with all of its cheap prices.
Con: Walmart with all of its ridiculously slow check out lines that make you regret even wanting to buy anything there to save the 27 cents in comparison to Target.
Pro: Snapchat selfies in the car. Come on now, don't judge. We are all guilty of posing for the camera (click) more than a few times when sitting in traffic or at a stoplight.
Con: Forgetting that you are taking a snapchat selfie in the car and not realizing that a car is full of windows. Windows in which any bystander car driver can see the ridiculous faces you are trying to capture in a seven second photo. Oh and definitely not realizing that you shouldn't be doing a reply selfie with a screw you/you suck message consisting of you flicking off the camera lens. The bird is car language, not phone language. Clearly you were asking for it when you received rude looks and snarls from innocent driving passerbys while you were throwing that finger around like ping pong balls at a frat house. No snapping and driving will forever be your new motto.
Pro: Nap time.
Con: There is no con this week to naps :-) or maybe the gazillion black mail photos Bubz will have to discard one day.

Pro: I'm so excited it's the weekend!!!!!
Con: Said no one that worked at a restaurant ever.

Can you tell how joyed I am to work this weekend? No really, I am though. Bring on that paper! 


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