Saturday, October 5, 2013

Caffeine and Num Nums

What a beautiful start to the weekend! One of our family favorites it going to (or getting) Caribou coffee. Our one vice that we could never live without. It's a Midwest thang. How could you not love that place, especially when they get all Halloween festive too? Just to put an extra smile on your face!.... not that getting your daily dose of caffeine does the trick already. And lately the caffeine headaches have been atrocious, so double the smiles every time I get one of these babies in my hands!

Bubberz in the back is enjoying some watermelon, strawberries, and donut holes this morning (compliments of mamuh and grampa). This kid is pretty much set for life. Like my dad (grampa) always says, "Nyke, clearly nobody loves you around here." (I hope you noticed the sarcasm in that)
What a goofball <3

Little Man is such a treat in the morning. I love when I don't have to rush off to school every morning and drop him off at daycare, and am able to sit and chilax with my familia and enjoy him. It's the little things right?!

In light of enjoying the small thing, I'm going to take a brief moment here to reflect and tell you just how much my familia rocks. Because they do. They pretty much rock the socks off of anything and everything. My little Prince Charming and I are whole heartedly blessed to have these rockstars in our lives. The people who have, do and will support me no matter what :-) I just had to share the love because it's so precious to me!

Looking too young to be grandparents, am I right?!

And this just melts my heart every time :-)

What a great start to the soon to be busy day. Pumpkin patch trip will kick off tomorrow...I can't contain my excitement!!! Hopefully Nyke knows how much fun he is going to have too, and can share his glorious experience with his baby friends at daycare on Monday :-P

Cheers to he freakin weekend!

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