Friday, February 21, 2014

Long Time, No See

Just as the title explains has been far too long since I have made an appearance. Embarrassing I know. But to all the single moms ladies out there, I hope we are in the same boat knowing that time does slip away from us sometimes (mostly always). Sorry just a tad 'bout it.

So what has been happening in the Alwaysland of me and Nyke? Oh just about everything you could possibly think of when it comes to a little boy discovering that he is a part of the world; and that he thinks he can kiss, climb, lick, touch, kick, insert into mouth, rip, and throw everything in it. Woof. If I had not lost all my baby weight with the glorious help of breast feeding my little monster before, it all has definitely shed off in the past 3 months of trying to guide/contain the living breathing chaotic tornado that is my son. And since pictures really are worth a 1000 bajillion words, I figured a catch up with those precious Kodak moments would do a far better four month catch up than my on and on and on babbling...(see? already lost your attention!)

The only one of two birthday parties that was planned and actually celebrated! Nemo was the theme of course :-)

First visit to an Aquarium. Since Nemo was such a big hit on repeat most days, we figured a real life adventure to a miniature SeaWorld would be just as entertaining. Boy were we right. His jaw was dragging on the floor in thrilled amazement the whole time.

Guess what I was for my 2nd Halloween?

Say whaaaat? Green Bay didn't make it to the Superbowl this year? "Accan't believe it!" (bonus points to whoever names the movie first)

#bubblebutt #bubblebubblebubblebutt

All that food you just cooked for a Party of 5 for Thanksgiving could feed a third world country!

Don't mind me, 007 in training here.

10! 9! 8! 7!.....3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!! I spy someone inappropriately sticking their tongue out. Or maybe it was the start of one of those extra juicy New Years kisses. 

Me and my newly discovered BFF. But we act like we grew up in diapers together. P.S. if you are ever in the Minneapolis area looking for a total hole in the wall joint. Erte is def the spot to check out. Divine, exquisite, delectable are just a few adjectives to describe it. Raise your hand if you enjoy a soulful live Jazz Band too...holla!

Beep Beep move over, someone is getting licensed!

"Mom, I seriously can't explain how I lost my pants?"

Look it all this fun stuff that has been hiding in the drawers from me.

Uncie Puncie and Munchkin Bopper practicing good dental hygiene.

Oh is that JT as in THE Justin Timberlake bringing Sexyback?!

Why yes, yes it is <3 Clean up on isle 7, my heart just melted into a puddle again.

Never realized how shy he was until we visited our first indoor playground at the mall. Adorably adorable.

Well, I hope that summed up the last 4 months short and sweet. I'll save the funny stories for another day.

Til next time ladies and gents.

I pinky promise I won't let time get the best of me before I come back,
or not,
the choice is mine.


Please refrain from sharing or re-posting pictures of Nyke. Much appreciated!

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