Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let the Fun Begin!

Finally!... I did it. I pulled together some free time and organization skills to start a blog. For once, an idea that's been floating around in my head is becoming reality! Now what?.... To be honest, I have no clue. I could post about some fantabulous exercise I did this morning at 5am before starting the day (never actually happened) or talk about my chic couture outfit that I wore today (yoga pants, a tee and a scarf). But since it is post nĂºmero uno, I'm going to keep it simple (or just dive right in which seems to work better for me anyways.

Reason for starting the blog you might ask? I needed some fun, some motivation, some inspiration, some organization, and some, well, memory documentation (I guess I'm a poet and I didn't even know it :-P)  Since social media is the cat's meeoow these days, I realized I needed to get into one that was a little more useful and purposeful to my time. I came to a conclusion that this personal online diary journal thingy would be a great way to record my journey. Since the journey is more important than the destination (my fav quote of all time), why not remember it along the way. Oh, and reason number two being that if for some reason our world completely crumbled and our house or apartment caught fire and we lost every photo showing any sort of life that we lived, this would allow me, or anyone, to know I didn't lead a boring life (at least I hope I don't). Again, only in an extreme situation would that ever happen. Side note, I also wanted a place where I could be inspired by other moms and encouraged to stay organized and on top of things to give my Bubberz the best childhood a baby boy could ask for <3

Sooooo.....some quick facts about myself and my current life at the moment. Graduate student-athlete (soccer) from the University of North Dakota. Sioux ya yaaa for life. Currently working on going to Graduate School to become a Physician Assistant. (Long road ahead I know). A little under a year ago I became a mama to the most amazing little baby boy in the world. He now holds my heart in his hand, and I basically live my life around him and only him. So let the journey of life and love with each other begin!

Some pix to prove the love and cuteness of Baby Nyke
It's finally Hoodie weather!

They see me Arollin' they hatin' 

We love pajamas around here

Introducing Uncie Puncie and myself!

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