Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday Confessions

Confessions of a Hump Day.

I confess I sleep in my Parents bed (when they aren't home).
I confess my socks never match. Like ever. Who has time to match socks when there is never even enough time to do laundry in the first place? Waste. Of. Time.

I confess I let my son eat food off of the floor. Only if it is at home though. That makes it so much less worse then, say, a Hospital or Airport.
I confess I tend to be a judgemental person at work. We like to play a little game there called my team your team. It's simple, hot customer = my team...not-so-hot customer = your team. I've come to realize that being a server really turns you into a person that judges more often than comes with the territory.

Didney Worl

I confess I really reaaaallly hate loathe despise dislike cats. And everything and anything that have to do with cats. Why? Probs because I am allergic to the fuzz devils. Or probs because their unpredictability scares the sh*t out of me.

MySpace Comments

I confess that sometimes I don't shower for 3 2 1/2 days. 
I confess if my son has a wet diaper but hasn't gone numero dos yet and he's showing all the signs and motions that he is about to. Like next fifteen minutes about to, I won't change him, because of this reason...
It used to happen every damn time. I mean I am just trying to be environmentally friendly by killing 2 potties with 1 diaper. Like killing 2 birds with 1 stone, really.

I confess I text and drive. Carefully.
I confess (rather complain) that I am going to teach Mother Nature a mother naturin' lesson if Winter doesn't turn to Spring soon. Snow is for Christmas, not Easter.

I confess that i've confessed way too much today.

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed reading my deep secrets. Happy link up!

Care to share your confessions?
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  1. Cats can be assholes. Mine is sometimes.

    I hope you get some warm weather soon!

  2. not a cat person either! they're creepy and mean!

    also, i serioulsy gots no time for this bullshit weather. today is windy as hell and COLD and -5. but tomorrow? 10 degrees. WTF?!

    thanks for linking up!!

    Vodka and Soda

    1. Thanks for hosting the link up! I will be tuning in more Hump Days now fa shooo. Today was a high of 20 degrees. "Heat Wave"

  3. This cold weather has got to leave immediately. I am SO over it!!

    1. At this point it feels like it will forever be winter! Thanks for stopping by :-)

  4. Nothing wrong with your kid eating off the floor... I'm 29 and I STILL do it! ;P

    1. Haha! Let's be real, he probably learned the not so sanitary habit from me.
